Archive for category: News

Call for urgent review of Strata Management Act 2013


The fast growing strata-titled property development trend in the country has highlighted the urgent need to effectively deal with issues and challenge...

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`Govt not pandering to developers`


The government is not seen as pandering to developers but is committed to ensuring a sufficient supply of affordable units on one hand, and to rebalan...

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Significance of share units in strata development – part two


IN THIS second part of the article, the Conveyancing Practice Committee member of the Bar Council analyses the recent Court of Appealā€™s decision in Mu...

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KPKT aims to open RFP tender for govt land by January 2020


THE Housing and Local Government Ministry (KPKT) aims to open the request for proposal (RFP) tender for the 72 plots of land under the federal governm...

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Year-end boost for home ownership


THOSE looking for incentives or exemptions in property sales can visit the final mini-expo under the Malaysian Property Expo (Mapex) banner. The expo ...

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Affordability, overhang and foreclosures


JOHN is interested to buy a RM1.2mil property. Together with rebates and all, the real value of the house is RM1mil and John is aware of that. John go...

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Cross-subsidisation costing the rakyat


HOW much does it cost a fresh graduate to own a car in Australia and in Malaysia? On an average income of A$55,000 per year (RM155,375), a fresh gradu...

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Flat rate maintenance fee deemed unfair


The recent court ruling on a flatĀ rate maintenance fee for mixed- use properties is seen to cause chaotic situations for property management. The Mala...

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Establish a national housing corporation ā€” PEPS


The Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents and Property Consultants in the Private Sector Malaysia (PEPS) has recommended that the g...

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Zuraida: HOC will not integrate with MM2H


he government has no plans to integrate the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme with the Home Ownership Campaign (HOC), as the two schemes have d...

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REHDA Selangor in favour of lower foreign buyer threshold


The Selangor branch of Real Estate and Housing Developersā€™ Association (Rehda) is in favour of the state reducing the threshold price for foreigners b...

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REHDA begins talks with state governments


The Real Estate and Housing Developersā€™ Association (Rehda) has started talks with various state governments to reduce their pricing threshold for pro...

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