Archive for author: REHDA Selangor

Malaysia`s first green child care centre for domestic violence survivors


The country’s first green child care centre is ready to kick off construction. Women’s Aid Organisation’s (WAO) new child care centr...

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No oversupply fear


The building of 10,000 units of affordable housing in the revived Bandar Malaysia will not result in an oversupply because there is a lack of them in ...

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Too little, too late


TAKE it or leave it. Those were the options given to home owner Gerald Chu by a developer of a new apartment in Kuala Lumpur. Despite handing over the...

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Future developments must be balanced with greenery, says minister


THERE’S a need for more green spaces in Malaysia’s rapidly developing urban landscape. Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin says f...

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Mixed reaction to redevelopment plan


Last month, Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin announced that the land occupied by the Highland Towers blocks would be redevelop...

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Do we even need an urban renewal law?


The recent announcement on a proposed urban renewal legislation allowing for “forced” en bloc strata sale for urban redevelopment or renewal purposes,...

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Zuraida: Mega project tests govt’s new housing policy


The revived Bandar Malaysia will be the test bed for the Pakatan Harapan government’s new housing policy, with 10,000 units of affordable homes to be ...

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`Include residential vacancy rates in Napic report’


The government should include information on residential vacancy rates (RVR), in order to provide more comprehensive data for industry stakeholders, s...

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KPKT aims to clear half of PR1MA houses by June


The Home Ownership Campaign (HOC), which will continue its run until June, is expected to clear off more than 50% of the houses offered by government-...

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Zooming in on TODs


It has been almost two years since the Sungai Buloh-Kajang mass rapid transit (SBK MRT) line became fully operational in July 2017 and since then, tra...

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M’sians want regulations for short-term rental industry — survey


In a survey commissioned by Airbnb, half of the 880 respondents would prefer to have a national set of guidelines for short-term rentals. The findings...

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Valuers say current weak residential market won`t prolong


Valuation and Property Services Department director-general Ahmad Zailan Azizuddin said the residential market has stabilised and is expected to remai...

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