Weekly Industry News

Too little, too late

Weekly Industry News

TAKE it or leave it.

Those were the options given to home owner Gerald Chu by a developer of a new apartment in Kuala Lumpur.

Despite handing over the keys to his brand new unit four months late, the developer didnā€™t want to pay Chu the full damages for the late delivery.

He was instead forced to take their offer: only 50% of the compensation, known as Liquidated Ascertained Damages (LAD).

ā€œBut it was delayed by the developer for four months. I should be receiving LAD worth RM16,000 but instead, I received only RM8,000,ā€ says the finance executive.

When he asked why the developer was only paying half the sum, Chu was told ā€œit was a management decisionā€ without room for any negotiation.

Without much choice, he knew he had to take it, or be left with nothing.

MediaTitle: Sunday Star

Date: 21 Apr 2019

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