Archive for category: News

Comprehensive measures needed for property


Property consultants are disappointed that Budget 2021 proposals lack the bite to kickstart a sector which has remained stubbornly in the doldrums for...

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Should I buy a home now or wait?


MANY probably have plans to spend in the home-buying season this year. Then, just when the perfect home hit the market, the Covid-19 pandemic turned t...

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House buyers tend to seek less dense areas, larger units


Although the Covid-19 pandemic continues to pose various challenges to most sectors, including real estate, people still need to buy houses to live in...

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Housing affordability: The reality


Housing market activities fell in the first half of 2020 (1H2020) while non-residential properties experienced above-average vacancy rates and depress...

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Housing market activities fall in 1h2020, according to Bank Negara report


Housing market activities fell in the first half of 2020 (1H2020) while non-residential properties experienced above-average vacancy rates and depress...

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Price correction in local property market in first-half 2020


The property market experienced a correction in terms of pricing with more affordable housing launched in the first half of 2020 (1H2020). National Pr...

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Move to reveal overhang details runs into barriers


The government has looked into various measures to reduce the country’s ballooning number of unsold completed property units but these measures were n...

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Budget 2021: Measured fiscal booster needed


BUDGET 2021 will be presented at a time of uncertainty on revenue collections and continued high expenditure for 2021 leading to fiscal slippage. If t...

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Expect more developers to build affordable houses in future


Expect more affordable houses available in the market in the future, but note that property developers consider affordable houses as those within the ...

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Stamp duty exemption among real estate industry`s wishlist


A SURVEY by real estate sales and media company, Juwai IQI Holdings, shows that almost 350 real estate agents in the country wish for the government t...

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Should you invest in MORE PROPERTY?


The announcement of the removal of the 70% financing cap for a third home loan of RM600,000 and above during the Home Ownership Campaign (HOC) period ...

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Property market to recover faster, says PropertyGuru Malaysia


MALAYSIA’S property market may recover faster than expected as the pandemic has had a minimal impact on property prices so far, said PropertyGuru Inte...

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