Weekly Industry News

Zuraida: Public housing could include smart, wellness and sustainable features

Weekly Industry News

It is time to incorporate smart, sustainable and wellness technologies into public housing in Malaysia to enhance the health and quality of life of their residents, said Housing and Local Government (KPKT) Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin.

Citing indoor air quality as an example, she said Malaysia could learn from Japan, which has been regulating indoor ventilation through its Building Standard Law since July 2003.

“Maybe there will be something that we can modify to our standards in order to ensure that the B40 or the masses also enjoy the basic right to having quality air,” she told EdgeProp.my after attending a briefing in Tokyo on the Japanese housing market and building regulations by officials from the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism this morning.

Under the Japan Building Standard Law, all habitable rooms must have windows and other openings for ventilation, otherwise, ventilation equipment must be installed.

Media Title:  The Edge Financial Daily

Date: 04 Oct, 2019

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