Weekly Industry News

D-G: New laws covering property sector in the works

Weekly Industry News

The Housing and Local Government is working on developing four Acts related to the property sector which it hopes to table in two years,

The Acts are for residential tenancy, commercial building, wakaf land and a review of the Housing Development Act 1966.

National Housing Department director-general Jayaselan K. Navaratnam (pix) said for commercial building purchases, the sale and purchase agreements are not controlled and different developments will have different terms and guidelines.

ā€œWe want to standardise it so that the rights of the purchasers are guaranteed,ā€ he told reporters after a panel discussion on ā€œHousing in Malaysia: Policy Discourseā€ organised by Khazanah Research Institute here today.

MediaTitle: The Sun

Date: 26 Apr 2019

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