Archive for category: News

Housing industry blueprint in the works


The Ministry of Housing and Local Government is drawing up a national blueprint for the property industry, said National Housing Department director-g...

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Slight uptick in property sector


WHILE the level of residential overhang in the country continues to rise in spite of fewer launches last year, things may finally be looking up for th...

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Facelift boost for old housing schemes


The government is committed to providing better living for those residing in old housing schemes. Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaru...

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Putrajaya’s affordable housing target can cause disruption


The government’s pledge to increase the supply of affordable housing without first studying the market needs would cause disruption in the housing mar...

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PR1MA units sold at reduced prices, says chairman


Perbadanan PR1MA Malaysia (PR1MA) has reduced prices by as much as a quarter under the current Home Ownership Campaign, with many of the houses sold b...

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PR1MA may be dissolved


Public housing agency Perbadanan PR1MA Malaysia may be dissolved, pending a due diligence and turnaround plan which hinges on the take-up rate of its ...

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Ill-managed real estate is not future-proof


Location, timing and pricing are not the only factors you must consider when buying any property. It is important to ensure that the desired property ...

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RM1.24b PR1MA homes sold within 3 weeks

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Perbadanan PR1MA Malaysia (PR1MA) sold a total of 4,795 homes with a sales value of RM1.24 billion within three weeks, through the Home Ownership Camp...

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Valuation needed for new houses — experts


House buyers stand to benefit if primary market residential properties too, and not just secondary properties, are required to have a valuation done, ...

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Property market to stabilise this year


THE Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH) has projected a more stable property market in 2019 as preliminary data suggests that the value ...

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REHDA yakin kempen HOC mampu atasi masalah


erjasama awamswasta melalui Kempen Pemilikan Rumah (HOC) mampu menyelesaikan isu kediaman siap yang tidak terjual di negara ini. Presiden Pemaju Harta...

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Malaysia’s real estate market has stabilised since last year, with the ongoing Home Ownership Campaign helping to spur residential property transactio...

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