Archive for author: redha_selangor

Real Estate Market Demand Poser Post-Elections


AFTER months of speculation and uncertainty… the general election (GE) is finally over and the new Pakatan Harapan government has produced a man...

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Projek Perumahan Mampu Milik Disatukan Di Bawah KPKT


Langkah Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, Zuraida Kamaruddin menyatukan semua projek perumahan mampu milik di bawah kementeriannya dilihat seba...

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Meet New Lady of Housing Ministry


PAKATAN Harapan, in its manifesto, has promised to improve the housing policy, which includes having a special housing loan scheme to enable youth to ...

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All Housing Under One Roof?


KPKT mulls syncing govt affordable housing schemes into one programme. The Housing and Local Government (KPKT) ministry is mulling a proposal to synch...

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Revamp Affordable Housing Agencies


THE previous Barisan Nasional government had a strong focus on creating affordable housing. The focus was so strong that numerous agencies both at fed...

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REHDA: Property Prices to Drop with Zero GST


Property prices are expected to drop following the goods and services tax (GST) rate reduction to zero from 6% prior, said the Real Estate and Housing...

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Supply-Demand Mismatch, Income Growth Key Issues


Is Malaysia ‘in the midst of an affordable housing crisis’? While affordable housing is an important mission, the crisis in this segment of the proper...

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New Harapan for The Property Industry


LAST Wednesday, 9 May 2018 was indeed a day of nail biting and edge of the seat falling, where one third of the Malaysian population were glued to the...

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REHDA Urges Govt to Take Holistic Approach Towards Tackling Housing Issues


The Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association Malaysia (REHDA) has urged the new Pakatan Harapan government to take a more holistic approach tow...

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Housing Issues Complex and Need Time to Resolve


The housing issues, be it in the affordable segment, the large number of unsold units and the oversupply of certain categories, are extremely “complex...

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Negative Sentiments in Property Market Expected to Improve


The gloomy property market is expected to improve as a result of rising confidence among consumers with new policy measures, following the recent chan...

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Mismatch in Price, Location and Product Cause of Overhang


While there is no oversupply of residential properties in the country, there have been mismatches in price, location and product, which led to an over...

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