Archive for author: REHDA Selangor

Exemption of RPGT, Service Tax from Jan 1, 2019


The government has agreed to exempt the real property gains tax (RPGT) to individual Malaysian citizens who dispose of their properties at a considera...

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Developers hope for measures to reduce cost of doing business


It has only been slightly more than seven month since the new government took over. Several positive measures announced to elevate the nation’s growth...

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Stamp duty increase for properties exceeding RM1 mln now effective July 1, 2019


The increase of one per cent in stamp duty for the instrument of transfer for property exceeding RM1 million to RM 2.5 million is now effective July 1...

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Dilemma over Bumiputera lots


The latest statistics indicate that Bumiputera units form the bulk of unsold units that have led to the current property overhang. This may result in ...

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RMM isu utama hartanah 2019


Tahun 2018 menjadi tahun yang bermakna bagi industri hartanah apabila kerajaan yang dipimpin Pakatan Harapan dan pemaju hartanah berusaha untuk menawa...

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Challenging 2018, hopeful 2019


Malaysians started 2018 full of apprehension. Our attention was riveted during the 14th General Election, after which we were rewarded with a new gove...

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Higher overhang

Higher overhang-min

Malaysia is entering 2019 with unsold completed residential units rising to 30,115 units as at Sept 30, 2018, an increase of 48.35% from the 20,304 un...

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A readjustment period as high-end properties face a daunting 2019

A readjustment period as high-end properties face a daunting 2019-min

High-end properties will continue suffering next year 2019 as the market readjusts itself from the excessive glut and finds a balance equilibrium. The...

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Bolehkah konsep pendanaan ramai tangani isu pemilikan rumah?

Bolehkah konsep pendanaan ramai tangani isu pemilikan rumah-min

Dalam Belanjawan 2019 yang diumumkan barubaru ini, kerajaan telah memperkenalkan satu mekanisme baharu yang membenarkan platform pendanaan ramai harta...

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Builders go on expansion mode

Builders go on expansion mode

WITH real estate playing a key role in the nation’s economic growth, existing property development businesses have been on an expansion mode with many...

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CIDB sasar bilangan penggiat mahir IBS meningkat 10 peratus

CIDB sasar bilangan penggiat mahir IBS meningkat 10 peratus

Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia (CIDB) menyasarkan pemeteraian memorandum persefahaman dengan Sany Construction Industry Development S...

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Compliance cost and what it means

compliance cost in edge property-min

The calls to reduce compliance cost and capital contributions in housing developments have been made for some time now and finally, the government or ...

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