Archive for author: REHDA Selangor

Malaysian property market: Wake up and smell the coffee


Much has been commented about the housing market overhang as well as oversupply the past week, mostly coming from the recently released Property Marke...

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`Redevelopment must have consent of all owners’


Real estate agents, negotiators and developers will always have an important role to play within the industry as property transactions are a face-tofa...

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Proptech won’t replace agents, negotiators


Real estate agents, negotiators and developers will always have an important role to play within the industry as property transactions are a face-tofa...

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PEPS: Other ways to resolve the oversupply problem


The National Home Ownership Campaign 2019 (HOC) could be one good way to help tackle the overhang situation in the current residential property market...

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Govt addressing issue of unsold homes


Escalating house prices, incompatibility between offerings and consumer demand and difficulty in securing home loan are among the reasons contributing...

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Dear minister, not bad at all for your first year!


You see her in the news almost every day. Not just once but several times per day, she is quoted in articles talking about matters related to the Hous...

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An `A` for effort


During a Grab car ride from KL Sentral to our office in Mutiara Damansara recently, the driver asked us where we worked and when told that we were fro...

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PRIMA transforms to adapt to market conditions


Perbadanan PR1MA Malaysia (PR1MA) is undertaking a transformation exercise to better fulfil its mandate and adapt to market conditions. In a statement...

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PR1MA says turnaround under way, due diligence to conclude by June


Perbadanan PR1MA Malaysia says its transformation exercise is well on its way and the organisation is working to make it a success. In a statement yes...

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More homes for M40: PR1MA


Perbadanan PR1MA Malaysia (PR1MA) said it is undertaking a transformation exercise to better fulfill its mandate and adapt to market conditions to ens...

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Little impact on property sector


The latest overnight policy rate (OPR) cut is expected to have a negligible impact on the local property sector, in light of muted gross development p...

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Have urban renewal law


A FORMER colleague, a senior academician at a Johor-based university, suprised me with a question recently. We were having a coffee break on the secon...

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