Archive for author: redha_selangor

Ministry May Propose Bigger PPR Units For Poor


The National Community Policy to be launched by the Housing and Local Government Ministry in August may propose bigger living quarters for the poor, s...

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Banks Urged To Consider All Incomes Of Housing Loan Applicants


The Housing and Local Government Ministry has proposed that banks also take into account all other incomes of housing loan applicants to address the h...

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REHDA Selangor 2018 Annual General Meeting


The Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association Malaysia (REHDA) Selangor branch held its Annual General Meeting on June 5, 2018 at Wisma REHDA, K...

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PR1MA To Be Rebranded, Detached From Politics


The 1Malaysia People’s Housing Programme (PR1MA) will be rebranded and detached from any political agenda as outlined by the former government, while ...

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Affordable Housing Under One Roof


While it is still early days, the Housing and Local Government Ministry has decided to put four agencies in its preliminary stage to organise the affo...

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More To Town Planning Than Meets The Eye


The concept of town planning was developed out of the English public’s concern for the environment which had its roots in the middle-class refor...

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How Private Caveats Affect Property Deals


One of the most common issues hopeful home owners face is whether caveats exist on a property or land. But, how does one go about dealing with caveats...

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Retirement Living a Feasible Sub-Sector


As Malaysia’s ageing population expands, retirement living is a market that property developers should look into, said CBRE-WTW managing director Foo ...

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GOING DIGITAL in Building Management


ARTIFICIAL Intelligence, big data, the Internet of Things — they are becoming regular terms in our vocabulary. As in all areas, the applications of th...

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Less `Pros’ and More `Cons’ in En Bloc Strata Sale


IN our article last week, we have discussed how the proposed introduction of en bloc sale is contrary to various legislations currently in place to sa...

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Developers Back Move to Cancel HSR Despite Setback


JOHOR BARU: Cancelling the RM110bil High Speed Rail (HSR) project is a setback for property developers, but they support the move for the greater good...

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Zero GST Expected to Boost Deals


Lower drop in transactions seen this year. THE volume of property transactions in the country for 2018 is expected to increase due to the improvement ...

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