Archive for author: REHDA Selangor

Overcoming tough times


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought nations and their economies to a standstill. Although some countries are looking to restart their economic engines, ...

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Buy now or wait?


With the current Covid-19 outbreak worsening the economic downturn in Malaysia, people in general are just not in the mood to spend, what more on buyi...

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Nod for building material producers to resume work-min

Nod for building material producers to resume work-min

Cement and steel manufactures may see trading interest after having been given the green light to resume operations under the movement control order (...

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Pasaran hartanah dijangka terkawal pasca COVID-19

MBAM and Rehda join forces to combat virus-min

Pasaran hartanah Malaysia dijangka tidak mengalami senario terburuk pasca COVID-19 berikutan mempunyai asas-asas kewangan lebih stabil pada masa ini. ...

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MBAM and Rehda join forces to combat virus

Pasaran hartanah dijangka terkawal pasca COVID-19 -min

The Master Builders Association Malaysia (MBAM) and the Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association (Rehda) have pledged to work together to...

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`Start looking, weigh your options, prepare financially’


Buying property post-Covid-19 and the movement control order (MCO) is a good idea, but only for owner occupiers  and long-term investors who canstill ...

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SOP for condos in the works


The Housing and Local Government Ministry will come up with a standard operating procedure (SOP) to protect residents at private condominiums and apar...

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PAM gesa bantuan diperluas


Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM) menggesa agar bantuan aliran tunai segera turut diperluaskan bagi membantu firma perkhidmatan profesional menangani ...

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Rehda calls for force majeure exemption bill


The Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association Malaysia (Rehda) wants the government to enact an all-encompassing force majeure exemption b...

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Rehda calls for Covid-19 bill


The country is in need of an all-encompassing force majeure exemption bill or a Covid-19 (Temporary Measures) Bill to lawfully protect players of all ...

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Property prices to fall


PROPERTY prices are expected to drop as the country braces for recession and consumers tighten their spending over worries of possible job losses. Mal...

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Pengecualian menyeluruh


Negara memerlukan rang undang-undang pengecualian force majuere yang menyeluruh atau Rang Undang-Undang Covid-19 (Langkah Sementara) bagi melindungi p...

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