Archive for author: REHDA Selangor

Pemaju hartanah wajar bergabung


Proses penggabungan dalam kalangan pemaju wajar dilaksanakan memandangkan jumlahnya yang dilihat terlalu tinggi dalam industri hartanah tempatan ketik...

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New measures give buyers, developers hope

20191202_New_measures_give buyers,developers hope

THE 2020 Budget has provided hope to developers, house buyers and industry stakeholders, said PropertyGuru country manager Sheldon Fernandez. He said ...

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Landmark court decision to affect lending sector


The landmark decision last Tuesday by the apex court which ruled in favour of 104 house buyers has wide implications on the property and lending secto...

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Harga hartanah warga asing diumum tahun depan


Perbincangan antara Kerajaan Negeri dan pemegang taruh industri hartanah akan diadakan bagi menetapkan nilai ambang baharu pemilikan hartanah strata o...

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Federal Court decision to have major implications for property sector


The landmark decision by the Federal Court prohibiting the Government to give developers an extension of time to complete their projects would have ma...

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Real estate agents `not certified`


THE Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) is disappointed that some “agents” are aggressively pushing owners of the Rumah Selangorku (RSKu) prog...

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Locality, buildability key determinants of house prices


INCOME and house price are often used to determine the financial affordability level of housing. According to Bank Negara Malaysia’s recent statement,...

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STRATA LIVING: Let common sense prevail


The fast growing strata-titled property development trend in the country has highlighted the urgent need to effectively deal with issues and challenge...

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A leaner year ahead for real estate


THE property market is anticipated to remain subdued moving forward as mixed macroeconomic indicators, both internal and external, indicate a neutral ...

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Jangka jualan melebihi RM7.5b


Persatuan Pemaju Hartanah dan Perumahan Malaysia (Rehda) menjangkakan penjualan unit kediaman melebihi RM7.5 bilion hingga hujung tahun ini menerusi K...

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Selangor sedia turun harga ambang hartanah pembeli asing


Kerajaan Selangor sedia menurunkan harga ambang hartanah bagi pemilikan asing kini ditetapkan RM2 juta di negeri berkenaan. Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tet...

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Structural changes needed for housing sector?


THERE has to be structural changes to the housing sector if it is to climb out of its current malaise, two industry sources say. Both declined to be n...

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