Archive for author: REHDA Selangor

Local property players call for govt to help businesses affected by Covid-19


MALAYSIAN property players want the government to pass a law that will protect all industries from legal actions following the implementation of the M...

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Property market outlook and opportunities in times of uncertainty

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This year has not been a good one for Malaysia. Not only are we dealing with the deadly Covid-19 outbreak, we are also going through a period of polit...

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How top developers are navigating the MCO


it is unprecedented as the nation grapples with the Covid-19 pandemic. Plans are being redrawn and new measures are being imposed by the goverment, af...

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Developers seek extension of time


Property developers are seeking an extension of time (EOT) from the government to complete their properties as a result of the movement control order ...

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Uncertain outlook for property sector

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It is too early to gauge the economic fallout in all its entirety on the housing sector as a result of Covid-19 pandemic. It is affecting every countr...

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Should you opt out of the loan deferment


Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), on March 24, 2020, announced an automatic six-month moratorium on all bank loans starting from April 1, to assist borrower...

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Home-buyer sentiment set to recover in near term


PropertyGuru Malaysia anticipates home seeker sentiment to be down in the short term due to the movement control order (MCO) amid the Covid-19 pandemi...

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Rehda asks govt to enact exemption bill to protect business contractual obligations

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The Real Estate & Housing Developers’ Association Malaysia (Rehda) is calling for the government to enact a force majeure exemption bill or ...

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MIEA concerned for wellbeing of real estate agents


The Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) is concerned and worried for the wellbeing of an estimated 25,000 Real Estate Agents and Real Estate N...

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Property sales could move than halve during MCO period


The property market may see a sharp fall of over 50% in sales during the current movement control order (MCO) period. The Malaysian Institute of Estat...

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Developers in talks with Bank Negara on aid plan


The Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association (Rehda) is in talks with Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) to work out plans to help the property market ...

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Valuers: Independent feasibility studies needed


Property consultancy companies say that the property market, plagued by an oversupply of offices, retail space and residential units, needs to be rect...

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