Archive for author: REHDA Selangor

Keperluan undang-undang dalam krisis hartanah


Penularan wabak COVID-19 dan penguatkuasaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) memperlahankan pergerakan aktiviti komersial dan ekonomi negara. Ia memb...

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Strata development AGMs to resume under RMCO


Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs) of strata developments can now be conducted physically, according to the gove...

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Quality workmanship – a balancing act of safety, standards and liabilities


Are workmanship and the quality of buildings within an architect’s control? This issue has been a persistent source of dispute among property st...

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SOP best practices help curb Covid-19 at construction sites – CIDB


The standard operation procedure (SOP) best practices can help prevent the transmission of Covid-19 at construction sites and enable construction proj...

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Brand new properties going under the hammer


Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) automatic six-month moratorium on all bank loans will benefit property owners with mortgages, but what happens after the ...

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Perkenal semula kempen pemilikan rumah


Kerajaan akan memperkenalkan semula kempen pemilikan rumah bagi merancakkan lagi pasaran hartanah negara. Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, b...

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REHDA: Home ownership burden lifted


Initiatives outlined in the short-term Economic Recovery Plan (Penjana) will alleviate the financial burden of home-ownership and ultimately contribut...

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HOC to lift property market


N a bid to revitalise the property market and provide financial relief to home buyers, the government has reintroduced the Home Ownership Campaign (HO...

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Penjana’s HOC campaign can assist developers sustain cash flow


The reintroduction of the Home Ownership Campaign (HOC) to encourage the purchase of new houses, particularly in the primary sales market, under the N...

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Bumi lots’ levy urged to be waived


A MECHANISM that would ease the release of Bumiputera lots in the property market is more pertinent to boost interest among buyers, apart from all the...

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Property sector big beneficiary of PENJANA


Incentives introduced under the fourth Covid-19 stimulus package, dubbed Penjana, will help boost investor sentiment towards the property sector. Neve...

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Stimulus package, low borrowing costs may alleviate pandemic`s impact on property


The economic slowdown that Malaysia will experience because of the current pandemic will see the property market correct itself, while demand and pric...

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