Archive for category: News

Ride on the home ownership incentives


THE Home Ownership Campaign (HOC) aimed at encouraging Malaysians to own houses has been extended from June 2019 to Dec 31,2019. I was told that the r...

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Public schemes offer affordable properties


Residential properties in Malaysia has experienced significant price appreciation in the past 20 years with prices in several states like Kuala Lumpur...

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Zuraida: PPM homes will be bigger


Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin defended her ministry’s move to rebrand the People’s Housing Project (PPR) to Malaysia&...

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Property wish list for Budget 2020


Relaxed lending guidelines, continued incentives under the Home Ownership Campaign (HOC), reduced compliance cost and the termination of the real prop...

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PRIMA sales surge by 80% in past 2 months


THE 1Malaysia People’s Housing Programme (PR1MA), which has not been performing since its establishment, is likely to report a turnaround with a surge...

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Making the right purchase


HOUSES are big-ticket items and buyers want a good deal when purchasing one. Location, pricing and condition are three key factors in determining if a...

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Glut may ease within 2 years


The Penang property market is likely to remain flat this year, says Malaysia Sdn Bhd general manager David Mawer. Mawer said factors lik...

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No affordable housing, no approvals


The Selangor state government has decided to withhold the necessary approvals for developers who do not meet its affordable housing quota, in a bid to...

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Ketidakseimbangan bekalan, permintaan belenggu pasaran


Suku kedua tahun ini yang berakhir Jun lalu menyaksikan peningkatan sebanyak 0.8 peratus indeks pasaran hartanah Kuala Lumpur dari segi harga hartanah...

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TMR looks at the 4 phases of property cycle


WHAT lies ahead for the property market is anybody’s guess, particularly given the volume of overhang units is on the rise. Some industry experts say ...

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Higher demand for Serviced Residences


SERVICED residences experienced the most significant growth in demand at 14.7 per cent in the first half, according to a report by This...

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Affordable housing a shared responsibility


Decent affordable housing is fundamental to the health and well-being of people, and to the smooth functioning of economies. Yet around the world, in ...

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