Weekly Industry News

Budget for public housing maintenance a temporary solution

Weekly Industry News

THE governmentā€™s budget allocation for the maintenance of public housing is a short-term solution to the challenges in the segment.

The Institution of Engineers Malaysia VP Dr Wang Hong Kok said the RM100 million budget ā€” allocated for the repair and refurbishment of public housing to ensure lifts, electrical wiring, sanitary pipes and roofing are safe and in good working order ā€”is on an adhoc basis and can only last a year.

ā€œThe key issue is, why are so many parcel holders of low-cost and medium-cost housing refusing to pay? The government must investigate the reasons.

ā€œI believe if everyone pays the prescribed service charge, there is no need for an extra out-of-the-way funding from the government,ā€ he toldĀ The Malaysian Reserve (TMR).

Media Title:Ā Ā The Malaysian Reserve

Date: 16 Oct, 2019

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