Archive for author: REHDA Selangor

Definition of affordable homes must change

Definition of affordable homes must change

Houses priced RM500,000 should not be considered “affordable” as these homes are beyond the reach of most Malaysians, who earn a median monthly income...

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Could the CAR PARK be standing in the way of your dream home?


How much do you think your car park space is worth? How much do you think it costs to build? Car park space has been deemed an essential facility for ...

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Strata Management Act 2013: ‘SMA needs to be amended’


THE Housing and Local Government Ministry is studying proposals to improve The Strata Management Act 2013 (SMA). Its deputy minister Datuk Raja Kamaru...

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Subsidy for house buyers not a long-term solution: Asli


Subsidy for house buyers may help to address the country’s property glut in the short term, but it is not a solution for the long term, which can even...

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Bajet 2019: Harapan pasaran hartanah


Tanggal 2 November 2019 bakal melakar sejarah di dalam negara apabila pembentangan bajet pada tahun ini akan dibentangkan oleh kerajaan baharu, iaitu ...

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THE strict corporate governance framework adopted by most financial institutions is one of the contributing factors that resulted in the billions of r...

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State govts urged to submit land lists by end of the month


Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin called on state governments to submit their respective lists of land that will be used to bui...

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Dept: Set up panel to monitor house prices


The Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH) has proposed to form a committee to monitor house prices. National Property Information Centre (...

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Govt agrees in principle for utility firms to build own amenities — minister


The government has agreed in principle for utility companies to build their own amenities as part of efforts to help property developers reduce compli...

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Why ‘Rent’ when you can ‘Own’?


WHY own when you can rent? This is a statement that we have surely heard from our family members and peers over the past years, justifying that rental...

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Syarikat perumahan dinasihat turunkan harga kediaman


Syarikat perumahan di seluruh negara dinasihat menurunkan harga rumah susulan pelaksanaan Cukai Jualan dan Perkhidmatan (SST) mulai 1 September lalu. ...

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Kajang’s the next hotspot for affordable living


OVER the past 40 years, Kajang has played host to a growing population of people migrating to Kuala Lumpur while looking for an affordable place to st...

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