Archive for author: REHDA Selangor

Tackling housing, overhang problems


The escalating home ownership and overhang conundrum in the country has become a top agenda for the government to resolve, with various housing polici...

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RM1B fund launched


BANK Negara Malaysia has launched a RM1 billion fund to help households earning RM2,300 and below purchase affordable homes. Finance Minister Lim Guan...

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Rehda lauds moves to spur home ownership


Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) Fund for Affordable Homes, which was launched yesterday, will help boost first-time home ownership, said the Real Estate ...

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Property Overhang Rises 48%


PROPERTY overhang in Malaysia has risen 48% to 30,115 units in the third quarter of last year compared with the same period in 2017, reflecting a mism...

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Unsold homes reach new heights


The number of unsold homes in Malaysia has more than doubled, reaching a new high of 30,115 homes as at the third quarter of 2018 (3Q18). According to...

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New laws soon to better protect tenants, landlords


Following findings that people have faced discrimination over their ethnicity when seeking a place to rent, the Housing and Local Government Ministry ...

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Malaysia to put RM22.5b of homes on sale rack in March


Malaysia is planning a sale for RM22.5 billion of real estate to bridge the gap between property oversupply and lack of affordable homes, with develop...

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Govt lowers affordable homes floor price to RM95,000


The government has lowered the floor price for affordable homes to RM95,000 with a minimum of 900 sq ft area in the newly launched National Housing Po...

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Cari penyelesaian `menang-menang’


Kerajaan dalam usaha merangka penyelesaian ‘menang-menang’ bagi memastikan syarat permohonan pembiayaan perumahan oleh industri perbankan di negara in...

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5 fokus, 16 strategi, 57 pelan tindakan


Dasar Perumahan Negara (DRN) 2018-2025 dilancarkan semalam, untuk menyelesaikan isu penawaran dan permintaan perumahan yang tidak seimbang serta ketid...

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Inisiatif baharu perumahan B40


Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT) sedang meneliti dua cadangan baharu bagi meningkatkan kemampuan rakyat membeli dan memiliki kediama...

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Trend permintaan hartanah 2019


TREND penurunan harga rumah dijangka berterusan sekurang- kurangnya untuk tempoh separuh pertama tahun ini walaupun terdapat peningkatan sentimen peng...

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