Archive for author: REHDA Selangor

Rising confidence in govt initiatives?


IS the current poor market sentiment a domino effect from the various cooling measures implemented by the previous government to curb speculation and ...

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HOC patut diteruskan


Adakah HOC memberi impak yang besar kepada pasaran hartanah? Kempen HOC ini secara tidak langsung memberi sedikit kelegaan kepada pasaran hartanah yan...

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Houses still too expensive for most Malaysians, survey reveals


Many Malaysians view that property prices are still too expensive and the prices have continued to rise at an unacceptable pace despite the introducti...

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Kajian siap akhir bulan depan


Kajian penstrukturan semula empat agensi perumahan negara, termasuk Perumahan Rakyat 1Malaysia (PR1MA) dijangka selesai selewat-lewatnya akhir bulan d...

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B40 manfaat Skim Smart Sewa


Kerajaan Negeri memperuntukkan RM50 juta menerusi pembiayaan Skim Smart Sewa bagi membolehkan golongan isi rumah berpendapatan rendah (B40) memiliki k...

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Rehda: Thank you for listening and your willingness to make changes


The Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association (Rehda) lauded Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin’s willingness to listen to...

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Ample supply of affordable homes but not in the right location, says Zerin


The property market has a more than sufficient supply of affordable housing, but what is insufficient are the “right housing products” to cater to the...

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Gen Rent still facing financing issues


ARE the Malaysian government’s housing initiatives, such as the national Home Ownership Campaign (HOC) and programmes under the National Affordable Ho...

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New policy to address abandoned housing projects — Zuraida


The Housing and Local Government Ministry is the midst of drafting a new policy on abandoned housing projects to fine tune the standard operating proc...

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Big data to aid in making better property development decisions


REHDA Institute, the training and research arm of the Real Estate and Housing Developers’ Association Malaysia (Rehda), held the “Big Data...

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IBS academy to be set up


An Industrialised Building System (IBS) Academy will be set up by the Housing and Local Government Ministry to train Malaysians on the latest technolo...

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Skim Smart Sewa bantu B40 miliki rumah


Kerajaan negeri memperuntukkan RM50 juta menerusi pembiayaan Skim Smart Sewa bagi membolehkan golongan B40 memiliki kediaman Rumah Selangorku. Menteri...

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